Learn Our Signature Fear Alchemy Process to Transmute your FEARS into POWER.


I Want To Stop Being Fearful

Fear & Anxiety is NOT just “A part of being human”  - it’s something that you are infected with. 

And it sits dormant… riding you until something happens at which point you become not only anxious but a Vector for Fear Casting as well. 


You’ve seen it all. 
The pictures, documents, news. 
It’s scrolling on your social media
Interrupting your commute
It’s everywhere… 
Fear of what you eat or don’t eat
Fear of disease and infection
Fear of your government or lack of governement
Fear of marrying the wrong person or not getting married at all. 
Fear based on your age, gender, religion, sex, race or socio-economic status. 
FEAR is being CAST - like a spell all around you. 
And more problematic than that is that this fear casting is viewed to seem like 
And Acumen. 
Only it ISN’T 
Anxiety is NOT just “A part of being human”  - it’s something that you are infected with. 
And it sits dormant… riding you until something happens at which point you become not only anxious but a Vector for Fear Casting as well. 
Now there is a CURE 
The Fear Prescription is your Recipe (thats what prescription originally meant) for leaving Fear behind and living, moving and occupying your 
And perpetual Joy. 
Learn our signature Fear Alchemy Process to transmute your FEARS into POWER. 
Custom tools created to address what you’re concerned about 
How to prevent anxiety in online environments as well as in person interactions. 
Would you like to be RESILIENT against the FEARS that are plaguing everyone else? 
Get inoculated with the Fear Presciption today 
BONUS - We have added our multi dimensional protocol for addressing the latest fear based illness sweeping the globe. Pandemic, epidemic or zombies…. Use these tools not seen anywhere else to THRIVE on multiple levels. 
Muggle Disclaimer: We are not medical doctors. This course is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness - physical or mental. Please use your own discretions. Seek medical attention if you need it. No liability for results is assumed. 
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LifeTeam is THE ONLY system that enables you to fear-less and be 100% YOU.

A step by step format that allows you to be CONSCIOUS, KIND and SPIRITUAL by caring-less. Unlocking the blocks to abundance and prosperity, UNLEASHING your Authenticity, Integrity and GIFTS

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Explore The Magic...

Learn How to make a working Talisman

What a Talisman may be used for
The difference between a Talisman and an Amulet (and why it matters!)


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Over 3 Hours of our most potent teachings to catapult you out of FEAR and into PEACE


Here's what you get!!

  • The LIfe Team Masterclass (valued At $597)
  • The Art & Magic of Talisman Making (Valued at $497)
  • The Out Of Fear Alchemic Accelerator (Valued at $797)
  • The Fear Rx LIvestream by Baba Richard & Sri Namaste (Valued at $497)
  • The Peace Process by Sri Namaste  - a comprehensive alchemic, crystal and supplemental support immune-building protocol  (Valued at $997)
  • Instant Access to All Classes and downloadable materials

Over nine hours of teaching and $3395 in value for only $247

Im Ready To Get My Power Back

The Dark and The Light are Dancing Together.

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I Deserve This!